A Tourist’s Guide to Los Molinos of Don Quixote in Consuegra

One of Spain’s most famous epics, Don Quijote de la Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes, is tied to the region of central Spain. And there is no place to better imagine Don Quijote in real life than Los Molinos in Consuegra, Castilla La Mancha. Aside from Madrid and Toledo, central Spain or Castilla La Mancha …

Cities you can visit on a day-trip from Madrid

Madrid is situated in the approximate centre of Spain, making it a convenient hub for travellers wanting to see as much of the country as possible. For international students, studying in Madrid offers students not only the opportunity to live in the capital city which is filled with easy transportation, amenities and cultural activities and …

A Bus to Toledo, Castilla-La Mancha

Historically, Toledo has been a home to the various empires that have lived in the city. The walls and buildings left by the Romans were reconstructed with Arabic influence during the Ottoman Empire. Jewish, Islamic and Christian influences are all strong throughout the city, and this immense amount of history led it to become a …